sunday fall
2 min readApr 9, 2022


In her first French retrospective, the Centre Pompidou in Paris presents paintings, drawings, photographs by Georgia OKeefe. The exhibition highlights the career of “the mother of American Modernism” starting with her work in New York, flower paintings, then taking us through to her late work in New Mexico where she died aged 98 in 1986.

O’Keefe was the first woman artist to be shown at the Museum of modern art in New York. She was deeply interested in color, light, spirituality, and her own individuality. She was also known to be wife to the photographer and owner of gallery 291 , Alfred Stieglitz.

My favorite is the unfamiliar skyscraper/ skyline series made between 1928–1930. I love the dramatic and beautiful composition. I’m a romantic for old New York, especially New York in the 20th century.

I’m lucky and happy I caught this great showing of paintings by an American art giant in Paris during the coronavirus pandemic. I hate to travel. Before this trip, I had’nt left New York since 2012. I was trapped. And traveling during a GLOBAL pandemic, I got vaccinated, tested, and mostly kept my mask on outside during the Paris summer heat.

The Centre Pompidou

Place Georges-Pompidou

75004 Paris, France



sunday fall

Location: Bronx, NY / Occupation: Author?Artist /Website: / About me: Fall has written and designed three novels and eight poetry books.